





铜狮子的意义 The meaning of the bronze lion 其性质为化煞挡灾,一般将之放置在面向大门位置,凡是路相冲或开门见灯柱者合用,铜为金属,可克制木的刑克,遇窗户的对面可见大树者适用。在室内之祸害、绝命位置,可放置此铜狮子,以减轻破坏力。如宅内有属水之人,放此铜狮更佳,因金生水,可旺财。 The nature of evil spirit against disaster, the general will be placed at the gate location, every road photograph rushs share, or open the door to see light copper for metal, wood can be restrained the punishment, is visible in the window on the opposite side of the tree. The bronze lion may be placed in the harm and destruction of the house in order to mitigate the damage. If a man is a man of water in his house, it is better to let the bronze lion, for he is rich in water and gold. 铜狮子摆放位置 The bronze lion is positioned    狮子的摆放要考虑地形地势 The lion's placement should take into account the terrain 1 1   摆放狮子塑像更重要的是要考虑地形地势。一般来说,摆放的地方宜高不宜低,前面应有开阔的空间。只有居高临下,狮子塑像才能显示出不凡的气势,具备了足够的空间,狮子才有用武之地。有些人将狮子塑像摆放在低陷、狭窄的空间里,反而形成“狮子受困”的格局。 It is more important to consider the terrain. Generally speaking, the place that puts is appropriate height unfavorable low, should have open space in front. Only by patronizing down, the statue of the lion can show a great momentum, and there is enough room for the lion to use it. Some people put a statue of the lion in a low, narrow space, creating a "lion's trapped" pattern.


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