





对于铜佛像的保养我们也应该重视。 1、一些铸铜佛像由于长时间摆放,表面会出现一些暗哑现象,专业定做铜佛像厂家,使其表面显得非常破旧且暗淡无光,可以用一些轻柔丝质的棉布来擦拭,郑州铜佛像定做,注意力度不要太大,这样可以使铸铜佛像重获光彩。 2、一些大型的铸铜佛像表面的尘土,一定先用电吹风的冷风吹一下,要注意必须是冷风,然后用麦秆刷清洁一下,再用软毛刷收尾。 3、对于一些大型的铸铜佛像缝隙等细微之处,可用棉花球蘸上口水来清洁,要注意按一定的顺序,不要有遗漏的地方。 4、尽量将铸铜佛像放置在干燥的环境中,湿度相对保持在40%-50%范围内,温度保持在8℃-24℃,避免空气污染物和尘土。 5、防止铸铜佛像与化学物质接触,例如酸类、碱类、油脂等。 We should pay attention to the maintenance of the bronze Buddha statue. 1, some casting copper Buddha statue due to long time, the surface will appear some dull phenomenon, professional manufacturer of custom make the figure of Buddha, make its surface appears very old and dark, you can use some soft silk cotton cloth to wipe, zhengzhou copper Buddha, pay attention to the strength is not too big, so we can make the casting copper Buddha regain brilliance. 2, some of the larger dust on the surface of the casting copper Buddha statue, must use hair dryer first cold wind blowing, note must be cold air, and then brush cleaning with straw, and then with a soft brush finish. 3, for some large nuances, such as the figure of Buddha of casting crack can dip in with cotton ball in saliva to clean, pay attention to in a certain order, don't be missed. 4 bronze figure of Buddha, as far as possible be placed in dry environment, keep within 40% to 50% relative humidity, temperature kept at 8 ℃ - 24 ℃, avoid the air pollution and dust. Prevent the metal from being exposed to chemical substances such as acids, alkaloids and oils.


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