





1.采矿:湖北大冶铜绿山遗址是迄今世界上规模最大、生产年代最长的古铜矿遗址。据测定:最古老的矿井距今已有3100多年。这个大型富矿在西周时已被发现和利用,说明中国在矿物勘探开采上很早就已达到相当高的水平。 Mining: the site of the great bronze green mountain in hubei province is the world's largest and longest in the world. It is determined that the oldest mine is more than 3,100 years old. The discovery and utilization of this large, rich mine in the western zhou indicates that China has already reached quite high levels in mineral exploration and mining. 2.初炼:把选择好的铜矿石加以破碎,然后与溶剂木炭一起放进坩埚或炼炉内,点火熔炼,等铜矿石熔化后,把汁液倒出,弃去炼渣,便得到粗铜。 2. The early tests: select good copper ore are broken, and then into the crucible with solvent charcoal or furnace smelting, ignition smelting, such as copper ore after melting, pour the juice out, abandon to LianZha, then get blister copper. 3.制范:须经过三个程序:造型、翻范、合范。 System: three procedures: molding, fan and fan. 造型就是作模子。翻范,就是把澄滤过的细泥调和均匀,拍成平片按捺在模型外部,用力压紧,使模上的花纹反印在泥片上。等到泥片半干时,按器物的中线或耳、足、边、角用刀划成若干块,各片之间划出三角形的卯以便密切结合,然后慢慢阴干或用微火烘干。一件器物的外范划成多少块,要根据它的大小来决定。合范,就 是把分片作成的外范合拢在一起,作为器物的外腔,再在外范中心加一泥芯,作为内范。内范比外范略小,二者中间的空隙就是浇注铜液的地方。 Modelling is modelling. To turn the fan, it is to mix the fine mud, which is filtered, to the outside of the model, to press the pattern against the surface of the mold. Wait for clay piece work partly, according to the centerline of the artifacts or ear, foot, edge, Angle of cut into several pieces, each piece to draw a triangle frame in order to close combination between, then slowly air-dried or with micro fire to dry. How many pieces of an object's exterior are determined by its size. In conjunction with fan, it is the outer space of the piece, which is the outer cavity of the object, and then the core of the outside, as the inside fan. The inner van is slightly smaller than the outside, and the gap between the two is the place where the liquid is poured. 4.熔铸:又称为精炼。包括调剂、精炼、浇注三个环节。 Smelting: also called refining. It includes the mixing, refining and pouring.


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