





由于技术文化等各方面的差异,目前各国铜雕的水平也存在着不小的差异。分析这种差异的原因可知道。首先,铜中的含量有关系到铜的耐腐蚀性。这是非常重要的,特别是如果将雕塑显示在户外或潮湿的环境。时间久了就会出现白色片状腐蚀材料腐蚀表面,像在旧汽车的电池充电。我也看过灰尘斑点是一种迹象,这是不好的征兆雕塑,可能最终会崩溃。 Due to the differences in technical culture and other aspects, there are some differences in the level of bronze sculpture. The reasons for this discrepancy are known. First of all, the content of copper is related to the corrosion resistance of copper. This is very important, especially if the sculpture is displayed outdoors or in a humid environment. Long time will appear the white sheet corrosion material corrosion surface, like in the old car battery charge. I've also seen specks of dust as a sign that this is a bad sign that the sculpture may eventually collapse.   青铜是铜含量也使铜包浆或颜色发展。在它的原始状态,是金铜色。进口铜雕 实际上是银的颜色。当雕塑艺术家铸造和组装、铜的时候,铜在加热炉会实施化学反应,随便改变表面的颜色的青铜。不同的化学物质导致不同的颜色。最常见的颜色是实现与硫肝的结合,其结果是一个棕色的颜色。 Bronze is a copper content that also makes copper pulp or color develop. In its original state, it's gold and bronze. The imported bronze carving is actually the color of silver. When sculpting artists cast and assemble copper, copper in a heating furnace will react chemically, changing the color of the surface of the bronze. Different chemicals lead to different colors. The most common color is to achieve a combination of sulfur liver, which results in a brown color.   在质量上雕刻层叠的过程是由熟练的艺术家手工完成,化学药品如何取得这需要有经验的人才能发挥它满意的效果。然而,在亚洲许多青铜器他们在这个过程中,有的通过偷工减料的方法使青铜雕塑在加热炉、浸渍进浆的过程中作弊。这个结果会出现一个毫无生气的色泽。 The process of carving layers in quality is done by skilled artists, and how the chemicals can be obtained requires experienced people to perform the desired results. However, in the process of many bronze wares in Asia, some methods of cutting corners to make bronze sculptures cheat in the process of heating furnace and impregnating. The result will be a dull color.


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