





铜器。在我国古代多指青铜器,流行于新石器时代晚期至秦汉时代,以商周器物最为精巧。初步出现的是小型东西或饰物。夏代始有青铜容器和武器。商中期,青铜器品种已很丰盛,并出现了铭文和精细的斑纹。商晚期至西周前期,是青铜器展开的鼎盛时期,器型多种多样,淳厚凝重,铭文逐渐加长,斑纹繁褥绮丽。随后,青铜器胎体初步变薄,纹饰逐渐简化。春秋晚期至战国,由于铁器的推广运用,铜制东西越来越少。奏汉时期,跟着瓷器和漆器进入平常日子,铜制容器品种减少,装修简略,多为素面,胎体也更为轻浮。我国古代铜器,是我们的祖先对人类物质文明的巨大贡献,虽然从考古资料来看,我国铜器的出现,[1] 晚于国际上其他一些当地,但是就铜器的运用计划、铸造技术、造型艺术及品种而言,国际上没有一个当地的铜器可以与我国古代铜器相比较。这也是我国古代铜器在国际艺术史上占有一起方位并致使广泛重视的原因之一。 Bronze. In the ancient times of the new Stone Age, it was popular in the late neolithic age to the qin and han dynasties. The initial appearance is small things or decorations. In the xia dynasty, there were bronze vessels and weapons. In the middle of the shang period, the bronze ware was abundant, and the inscriptions and fine markings appeared. Late to western zhou dynasty, it was the heyday of bronzes, with various types, chun-heavy, and gradually lengthening the inscriptions. Subsequently, the bronzes were initially thinned and the ornamentation gradually simplified. In the late spring and autumn period and the warring states period, the copper system became less and less because of the application of iron. During the han dynasty, the porcelain and lacquer ware went into the ordinary days, the copper container varieties were reduced, the decoration was brief, mostly plain, and the fetal body was more frivolous. Of ancient Chinese bronze, is our ancestor's tremendous contributions for human material civilization, while from the point of archaeological data, the emergence of Chinese bronzes, [1] on other local international later, but as far as the use of bronze plan, casting technology, the plastic arts and variety, not a local international copper can be compared with the ancient Chinese bronze. This is one of the reasons why the ancient bronze ware occupies a position in the history of international art.


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