





首先,中国青铜器数量大,种类繁多。究竟中国有多少件青铜器物,这是谁也无法统计的数字。正因为数量大,中国青铜器的品种也极其丰富,不仅有酒器、水器、食器、兵器、礼器,铜宝鼎还有车马器、农具、工具及各类生活用具等一应器物。众多的青铜器皿,造型生动、多彩多姿,令人目不暇接。数量大、品种繁的中国青铜器无疑增加了鉴定的难度,这是中国青铜器的特点之一。 First of all, there are many kinds of bronzes in China. How many bronzes are there in China? No one can count them. Because of large quantities, Chinese bronze ware is also rich varieties, not only have a wine, water, food, weapons, ritual, baoding copper with horses and chariots, farm tools, tools and all kinds of life appliance, all objects. Numerous bronze vessels, the shape is vivid and colorful, making a bewildering number. The large number and variety of Chinese bronzes undoubtedly make it more difficult to identify, which is one of the characteristics of Chinese bronzes. 其二,中国青铜器分布地区广,且质量上乘。中国青铜器出土较为集中的地区是中原,但它的分布范围远远超出中原地区,东北、西北、巴蜀、岭南甚至西藏及东海渔岛上都发现有青铜器。 Second, Chinese bronzes are widely distributed and are of superior quality. Concentrated region is the central plains bronzes unearthed in China, but it goes far beyond the range of the central plains region, northeast, northwest, bashu, lingnan even on Tibet and the east China sea fishing community are found to have bronze ware. 其三,器物铭文可以说是中国青铜器最大的特点。世界各地古青铜器绝大多数没有铭文,只有印度出土的少量青铜器或铸有很短的铭文。中国古铜器有铭文者仅出土的就达一万余件,且名文长篇巨制不少。这些铭文字体具有很高的书法欣赏价值。这些铭文也是鉴定中最难把握的一环。 Thirdly, the object inscription is the biggest characteristic of Chinese bronzes. The vast majority of ancient bronzes around the world have no inscriptions, and only a small number of bronze vessels unearthed in India have very short inscriptions. There are only over 10,000 unearthed Chinese ancient bronze wares, and many of them are famous. These inscriptions have a high value of calligraphy. These inscriptions are also the most difficult of the identification.


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