





1. Mining: Hubei, Daye, the site of the mountain is the world's largest and longest production of the bronze mine site. It is determined that the oldest mine has been around for more than 3100 years. This large rich ore has been discovered and exploited in Western Zhou Dynasty, indicating that China has reached a fairly high level in mineral exploration and mining.
2., early refining: the choice of copper ore to be broken, and then with solvent, charcoal, put into the crucible or furnace, ignition, smelting, and other copper ore after melting, pour out the juice, discard the slag, you will get coarse copper.
3. system: must go through three procedures: modeling, fan, and fan.
造型就是作模子。翻范,就是把澄滤过的细泥调和均匀,拍成平片按捺在模型外部,用力压紧,使模上的花纹反印在泥片上。等到泥片半干时,按器物的中线或耳、足、边、角用刀划成若干块,各片之间划出三角形的卯以便密切结合,然后慢慢阴干或用微火烘干。一件器物的外范划成多少块,要根据它的大小来决定。合范,就 是把分片作成的外范合拢在一起,作为器物的外腔,再在外范中心加一泥芯,作为内范。内范比外范略小,二者中间的空隙就是浇注铜液的地方。
Modeling is modeling. Turn the fan, is to clear the filtration of fine mud mixed evenly, shot into a flat sheet restrain in the model outside, hard pressed to die on the pattern printed in reverse on the mud. Wait until the semi dry clay tablets, according to the objects of the midline or ears, feet, edge and corner knife into several pieces, each piece between the sockets to draw triangle closely, then slowly dried in the shade or use Weihuo drying. A number of objects outside the van into a block, according to its size to decide. The "fan" is to divide the pieces into outer cavities, which serve as the outer cavity of the utensil, and then add a core to the outer center as the inner frame. In the outer fan is slightly smaller than the two place, the middle of the gap is pouring liquid copper.
4., casting: also known as refining. Including adjustment, refining, pouring three links.
Refining, the technical point of this step is to observe and master the heat. Copper liquid water, has been formed to copper utensils, liquid basic solidification, heat has not dissipated completely, we can break the inner and outer fan (off the van), remove the artifacts, grinding and processing; to eliminate the burr, smooth surface, the pattern clear all the work on the final tick, Gaocheng Borch is a new bull copper, Guan Gong, god statue of the goddess of victory, sculpture, Simuwu quadripod, integrity Ding, characters of landscape sculpture manufacturer, rich experience. Professional casting is your ideal choice.


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