





Cleaning method: as the saying goes, the animal bronze color is the bronze bronze in life, so for a long time, in the oxidation or acid rain under the effect of the color lost its former glory. City sculpture is shaping the city culture is the cultural landscape of the city, is a bright spot in the garden design, and cast copper sculpture is the essence of this bright spot, then the bronze period maintenance work has become the key point. So how to make bronze works keep the original color, in view of the above problems, the majority of people with high pressure water washing method, the palliative approach is a kind of damage to the sculpture itself. So if the copper statue is too heavy, blow it with a cool wind. Then use the brush to clean the last straw, with a soft brush.

千万不要用金属抛光剂、水、其他任何溶剂。那样会让铜器掉色。最后在铜雕上上一层无色的蜡这样能使铜体抗氧化,防腐蚀,耐酸雨及大气污染,直接让铜雕的原色风采依旧 。这样铜雕就恢复了它往日的风采。用铜或青铜铸造,可移动的铜佛像,俗称“铜雕佛像”。这种佛像是供宫廷、寺庙、使用;它的出现始于两汉,盛行于隋唐,延续至明清。到民国,乃至现代的港台地区,铜雕佛像仍在使用。铜雕佛像的种类有若干,常见的有释迦牟尼、观音、文殊、普贤、天王、母度等。目前,在兰州、西安等地的古董摊上的铜佛像,令收藏者真假难辨。铜雕得种类很多。其中动物铜雕的造型很多,艺美现代工艺品厂动物雕塑生动形象,面目造型逼真,他们运用精湛的雕刻技术把动物打造的活灵活现。其中最有名的就是铜貔貅,貔貅被人们称为瑞兽,外形有点四不像,它分为一角和两角,整体看跟狮子很像,身上覆盖着灰白色的毛。并且还会飞。它一出现出现就表示会有好运。
Never use metal polishes, water, any other solvents. That will make the bronze fade. Finally, in the last layer of bronze colorless wax so that the copper body antioxidant, anti corrosion, acid rain and air pollution, directly to the bronze color style still. This bronze restored its former style. With copper or bronze casting, removable bronze Buddha, commonly known as "bronze buddha". This kind of Buddha is for the palace, temple and use; it appeared in the Han Dynasty, prevailed in Sui and Tang Dynasties, and continued to the Ming and Qing dynasties. To the Republic of China, and even the modern area of Hong Kong, bronze Buddha is still in use. There are several types of bronze statues, common Shakya Muni, Guanyin, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, king, mother of. At present, in Lanzhou, Xi'an and other places of antique collection of copper Buddha statues, so that collectors really difficult to distinguish. Too many types of bronze. The animal model of many bronze art, modern animal sculpture handicraft factory is vivid, lifelike appearance, they use the exquisite carving techniques to create vivid animal. One of the most famous copper is brave, brave people called ruishou, appearance is grotesque, it is divided into a corner and two horns, overall look like a lion, covered with gray white hairs. And fly. When it appears, it means good luck.


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