





铜雕价值广泛,主要体现在三方面: The bronze sculpture is of broad value, mainly in three aspects: 1.保健消毒价值:铜是人体内一种必需的微量元素,在人体的新陈代谢过程中起着重要的作用。经常接触或使用铜器,能够起到补脑、护心、防癌的作用。癌症专家的最新研究表明,铜元素可抑制癌细胞的生长,诱导癌细胞“自杀”。同时,早在十九世纪末,人们就发现铜具有惊人的杀菌作用。现代,铜的消毒杀菌原理广泛应用于手术、医疗、污水治理等方面。 Disinfectant value: copper is a necessary trace element in human body, which plays an important role in the metabolism of human body. Regular contact or use of coppers can help to improve the brain, protect the heart and prevent cancer. A new study by cancer experts suggests that copper can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and induce cancer cells to "commit suicide". At the same time, as early as the late 19th century, copper was found to be amazingly antiseptic. The principle of sterilization of copper is widely applied in surgery, medical treatment and sewage treatment. 2.辟邪镇宅价值:在风水学上,大量使用铜制品用于祈福避祸、镇宅攘凶。比如:铜剑用于镇宅;铜金蟾寓意将钱财送入屋,使人财运不断;貔貅可令家中的运转好,赶走邪气;铜雕关公像能起到吉祥、平安、避邪、镇灾的作用;毛主席铜像特别适合政府公职人员及做生意人摆放,旺官运,增财运。 The value of the house of evil spirits: in feng shui, heavy use of copper products is used for the purpose of blessing and avoiding disaster, and the town is full of people. For example: copper swords for the town house; The bronze gold toad means to bring money into the house, making people rich and rich. A good one can make the house run well and drive away evil spirits. The bronze statue of guan gong can play the role of auspiciousness, peace, ward off evil, and disaster. The bronze statue of chairman MAO is especially suitable for government officials and businessmen, as well as businessmen and businessmen.


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