





Classic figure statue
1. The suicidal Gaul
希腊化时期重要的艺术中心之一在小亚细亚柏加马王国 。在公元前241—197年间击退了高卢人的猛烈进攻,为此,柏加马王国建立了卫城,并在广场上建立了胜利纪念碑性雕塑群像。《自杀的高卢人》是其中的作品。 作品表现被打败的高卢人首领,为了不作敌方阶下囚而受辱,勇敢而坚定地杀死爱妻之后自杀。这是一座震撼人心的悲剧性雕像。雕刻家着意刻画自杀时的紧张瞬间,群雕采用各种对比的手法塑造形象,立与垂下、生与死、动与静、形体的仰与俯、正与侧转,构成了一座三度空间四面观赏的组合雕塑形式,成为后来广场雕塑像的范本。
One of the important art center of Hellenistic kingdom of Pergamum in Asia minor. From 241 to 197 B.C., the violent attacks of the Gaul people were repulsed. For this reason, the kingdom of bgarma established the Acropolis and established a group of triumph monument sculptures on the square. "The suicidal Gaul" is one of the works. The performance of the defeated Gaul leader killed himself after he was humiliated and resolutely killed, in order not to be a prisoner of the enemy's prisoner. This is a tragic statue of tragedy. The sculptor depicts the tense moments of suicide. The sculptures use various contrastive manipulations to shape the image. The sculptures make up and down, live and die, move and static, and turn up and down, and turn side by side. The sculptures form a combination of the four sides of the three degree space and become the model of the sculpture of the square.
2. The image of Apollo
希腊早期雕像有模仿埃及雕刻造型的痕迹,古风时期尚残存,但雕刻家已开始不满足于模仿,力求用自己的眼光探索人体结构和人体比例,创作出写实、自然、富有生气的艺术形象来。 古风时期的男子雕像大多是墓前雕刻品,有的是死者本人,有的为死者而立,一般称之为阿波罗像,这是因为古希腊神人同形同性所致。青年男子立像为裸体,多取站立姿势。这尊被称为阿波罗的青年立像仍存有埃及造型程式,但他低头和手势姿式已趋生活化,他向下视,两臂向前伸,似有接物之意,看得出人物形态已从直立僵化向生活化活动迈前一步。
The ancient Greek statues had imitated the Egyptian sculptures and were still remaining in the antique period, but the sculptors have begun to not be satisfied with imitation, and strive to explore the structure of the human body and the proportion of the human body with their own eyes, and create a realistic, natural and angry artistic image. Most of the men's statues in the antique period were carved in front of the tomb, some of the deceased and some for the dead, which is generally called the image of Apollo, which is caused by the homosexual homosexuality of the ancient Greek gods. The young man stands naked, more standing posture. The statue of the young man, known as Apollo, still has an Egyptian styling program, but his low head and gestures have become living. He looks down, his arms go forward, and he seems to have the meaning of something.


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