现代铜雕 |
添加时间:2018/7/4 16:49:49 浏览次数: |
现代铜雕 Modern copper carving 现代雕塑里,铜雕在装饰物这一块所占的分量越来越重要。一些软装设计公司提交设计方案里很多艺术品都有用到铜雕。比起古老的商周时代,其装饰性占首要作用。 In modern sculpture, the importance of copper carving in decoration is becoming more and more important. Many of the designs submitted by some softwad design companies are useful to bronze sculptures. Compared with the ancient Shang and Zhou dynasties, its decoration played a leading role. 优秀的城市广场雕塑作品应该与周围的自然环境珠联璧合、遥相呼应;城市雕塑能使城市更具亲和力,是上升一座城市的标志、甚而成为城市人文精神的集中体现,这在世界著名的大、中城市中不乏先例。 The excellent city square sculpture works should be combined with the surrounding natural environment, and the city sculpture can make the city more affinity. It is the symbol of the rising of a city and even the concentration of the humanistic spirit of the city. This is a precedent in the famous and middle cities in the world. 现代城市雕塑就像城市的眼睛,最能反映出城市的风采和神韵。作为空间艺术的城市雕塑,虽然是隶属于环境的存在而存在,但城市却积极主动地给环境以充实,增强人们对于环境的主观意识。 Modern urban sculpture is like the eyes of a city, which can best reflect the grace and charm of a city. As the spatial art of urban sculpture, although it belongs to the existence of the environment, the city is active to enrich the environment and enhance the people's subjective consciousness of the environment. 和其他铜雕一样,城市雕塑经历了惨淡、曲折的过程,已经走过了百年的历史,在21世纪城市雕塑该何去何从呢?这是我们不得不面对的问题。城市雕塑和园林雕塑的共同点在于不能仅仅停留在上个世纪的旧的观念中,不能停留在城市雕塑与建筑的比例、体量、空间、色彩、材质等等关系上,而要进一步地探求城市雕塑在现代城市中人在自然环境和人文环境中的作用,特别是人与自然、心理、历史、文化、精神等方面的关系。作为一种环境艺术,城市雕塑应该如何和整个城市呼应、交融,美国城市雕塑的发展或许能给我们某些有益的启示。 Like other bronze sculptures, urban sculpture has gone through a dismal and tortuous process. It has gone through a hundred years of history. In the twenty-first Century, where should urban sculpture go? This is the problem we have to face. The common point of urban sculpture and garden sculpture is that it can not stay in the old ideas of the last century, and can not stay on the relationship between the proportion, volume, space, color and material of the city sculpture and architecture, but to further explore the role of urban sculpture in the natural and human environment in modern cities. In particular, the relationship between man and nature, psychology, history, culture, spirit and so on. As a kind of environmental art, how should urban sculpture echo and blend with the whole city; the development of American urban sculpture may give us some useful enlightenment. |
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