魏晋南北朝时期铜雕艺术的主流是佛像 |
添加时间:2019/6/17 16:12:22 浏览次数: |
魏晋南北朝时期铜雕艺术的主流是佛像,北魏时期的造像在形式风格上受印度或西域式样的影响,庄严、浑朴,于静穆中显示着佛的伟力。 The main stream of bronze sculpture art in Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties was Buddha statues. The statues in Northern Wei Dynasty were influenced by Indian or Western style in form and style. They were solemn, simple and showed the great power of Buddha in silence. 南北朝的佛教雕刻融合汉族知识分子的审美时尚,形成了褒衣博带秀骨清象的新风貌。 Buddhist sculptures in the Southern and Southern Dynasties merged with the aesthetic fashion of Han intellectuals, forming a new style of praise, clothing and bow with beautiful bones and elegant images. |
上一页 商周时代铸铜及铜雕艺术已经达到了很高的水平 |
下一页 铸造铜雕人物雕塑用黄铜好还是青铜好? |
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