青铜器文化在世界各地区都有发展 |
添加时间:2019/1/23 16:38:40 浏览次数: |
青铜器文化在世界各地区都有发展,这是因为青铜作为工具和器皿的原料有其优越性:首先,自然界存在着天然的纯铜块(即红铜),因此铜也是人类最早认识的金属之一。但红铜的硬度低,不适于制作生产工具,所以,在生产中发挥的作用不大。后来,人们又发现了锡矿石,并学会了提炼锡,在此基础上人们认识到添加了锡的铜即青铜,比纯铜的硬度大。经过测定红铜的硬度为布林氏硬计的35度,加锡5%,其硬度就提高为68度;加锡10%,即提高为88度。而且经锤炼后,硬度可进一步提高。 Bronze culture has developed in all parts of the world, because bronze has its advantages as a tool and raw www.yanglaoyuant.com.cnwww.diandongment.com.cnwww.taiyuanbanjia.com.cnwww.gonglujiemuju.cn www.turangxiufuu.cnwww.yanglaoyuand.cnmaterial of utensils. First, there are natural pure copper blocks (that is, red copper), so copper is one of the earliest known metals. However, the hardness of red copper is low, and it is not suitable for making production tools, so it plays a small role in production. Later, tin ores were discovered and tin was extracted. On this basis, it was recognized that copper added with tin, bronze, was harder than pure copper. After testing, the hardness of red copper is 35 degrees of Brin's hardness tester, adding 5% tin, its hardness is increased to 68 degrees, adding 10% tin, that is, to 88 degrees. Moreover, the hardness can be further improved after tempering. |
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