铜雕塑艺术品铜质辨伪法 |
添加时间:2019/2/13 16:17:25 浏览次数: |
战国以前的铜雕制品,皆为铜锡铅合金的青铜器。锡的成份越大,铜质的灰色色泽越浅淡。商至战国的铜器铜质纯净,极少有沙粒。宋仿铜器,合金成分为铜、锡、铅和少量的锌,铜色为黄中泛红。明清伪器含锡成分很少,而铅锌成分增多,铜色皆发黄,但明代伪器色为黄中泛白,清代伪器色却是黄中透黄。因此,鉴定铜质的真伪,还要看、足、口沿、底部露铜的质色。 The bronze carvings before the Warring States Period were all bronzes made of copper, tin and lead alloys. The bigger the tin content, the lighter the grey color of copper. From Shang Dynasty to Warring States Period, copper articles were pure, with very few sand grains. Copper imitations of the Song Dynasty are made of copper, tin, lead and a small amount of zinc. The copper color is yellowish and keliji.89ix.compeidianx.89ix.compeidiany.89ix.compeidiang.89ix.comkaiguanguig.89ix.comjiliangx.89ix.comreddish. In Ming and Qing Dynasties, the tins in the false wares were very few, while the lead and zinc contents increased, and the copper color was yellowing. However, the color of the false wares in Ming Dynasty was yellowing in the middle of the yellow, while that of the false wares in Qing Dynasty was yellowing in the middle of the yellow. Therefore, to identify the authenticity of copper, we should also see the color of copper exposed at the foot, mouth and bottom. |
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