一件优秀的人物雕塑作品能否达到以形传神的效果 |
添加时间:2019/9/20 14:30:11 浏览次数: |
一件优秀的人物雕塑作品能否达到以形传神的效果,对人物面部表情的刻画就犹如画龙点睛的作用一样重要,处理得当就能使人物雕塑本身的形象超越其存在的表现形式,并赋予所表现的雕塑主题永恒生命力。众所周知,由于表情塑造一直都是艺术家与观众沟通的重要非语言交流手段,因此,在人物雕塑创作中,艺术家们需要通过对人物面部表情的描绘来表现人物形象的内在情绪和情感。 Whether an excellent figure sculpture works can achieve the effect of vividness through form is as important as the role of finishing point in depicting the facial expressions of the characters. Proper handling can make the image of the figure sculpture itself transcend its existing manifestations and endow the theme of the sculpture with eternal vitality. As we all know, facial expression has always been an important means of non-verbal communication between artists and audiences. Therefore, in the creation of character sculpture, artists need to express the inner emotions and emotions of the characters through the description of their facial expressions. 一件雕塑作品如果要栩栩如生地展现人物形象的精神风貌和营造强烈的雕塑氛围,就必须依靠雕塑家对人物面部塑造的准确把握,使雕塑作品与观众产生互动和共鸣。就如人们在日常的面对面交流中,同样需要通过面部表情特征来传递彼此之间的情感信息,达到相互沟通的目的。 If a sculpture works want to vividly display the spiritual features of the characters and create a strong sculpture atmosphere, it must rely on the sculptor's accurate grasp of the facial shape of the characters, so that the sculpture works and the audience have interaction and resonance. Just like in daily face-to-face communication, people also need to convey emotional information through facial expression features to achieve the purpose of mutual communication. 因此,创作生动、自然的人物形象表情不仅是雕塑家们在雕塑中用以传递情感因素的核心内容,而且也是决定艺术作品能否充满生命力这一永恒主题的基本条件。 Therefore, the creation of vivid and natural expression of characters is not only the core content of the emotional factors used by sculptors in sculpture, but also the basic condition to determine whether the works of art can be full of vitality as an eternal theme. |
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