故宫的铜狮共有6处,分设各重要宫殿门前 |
添加时间:2019/10/29 13:57:23 浏览次数: |
故宫在世界上享有盛名,气派又雄伟,富丽又堂皇,但是故宫的大大小小的每一个角落,哪面墙上雕刻什么图案,什么地段需要多少级石阶,什么地方摆放什么神灵,每个地方都非常的讲究。故宫的铜狮共有6处,分设各重要宫殿门前,不但造型生动,栩栩如生,而且每对均左为雄狮,伸出右腿正在玩弄绣球;右为雌狮,伸出左腿爱护喜逗幼狮。 The Forbidden City enjoys a great reputation in the world. It is magnificent and magnificent. However, every corner of the Forbidden City, big and small, which wall is engraved with what patterns, which location needs many stone steps, where is placed with what gods, and every place is very particular. There are 6 bronze lions in the Forbidden City. They are set in front of each important Palace door. They are not only vivid and lifelike, but also each pair is male on the left, stretching out their right legs to play with Hydrangea; female on the right, stretching out their left legs to love and amuse young lions. 外朝仅有一对青铜狮,陈设在太和门前是故宫最大的 There was only one pair of bronze lions in the outer Dynasty, which was the largest in front of Taihe gate. 外朝仅有一对青铜狮,陈设在太和门前。太和门前的铜狮是故宫最大的一对古铜狮,也是唯一无鎏金的铜狮,据专家从造型上推测为明代所铸。 There was only a pair of bronze lions in the outer Dynasty, which were displayed in front of the Taihe gate. The bronze lion in front of Taihe gate is the largest pair of ancient bronze lions in the Forbidden City, and the only one without gilding. According to experts, it was cast in Ming Dynasty. 这对大铜狮是故宫皇权至高无上的象征,负责镇守皇宫,辟邪驱恶。其造型精美,与太和门的高大、华丽、雄伟协调相称,给大朝门增加了壮丽严肃的气氛。 This pair of bronze lions is the symbol of the supreme imperial power of the imperial palace. They are responsible for guarding the Imperial Palace and eliminating evil spirits. Its exquisite shape, and Taihe gate tall, gorgeous, majestic coordination, to add a magnificent and serious atmosphere. 从形象上看,作张口露齿、咆哮怒吼状,颈上有鬃,颈下系铃和缨络,肢爪强劲有力,望之凶猛威严,不可一世。 From the image point of view, it is in the shape of open mouth, roaring and roaring, with mane on the neck, bell and tassel under the neck, strong and powerful limbs and claws, fierce and majestic in the eyes. |
上一页 吸财象按其鼻子形态分为四种 |
下一页 香港汇丰银行总部门外放了一对铜狮子雕像 |
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