历史名人雕塑传承优秀传统文化 |
添加时间:2019/11/25 15:19:32 浏览次数: |
中国是全球人类进步的主要的起源之地之一,从原始社会到奴隶社会,从奴隶社会到封建社会,从封建社会到文明社会,我们经历了漫长而又艰难的历史过程。在几千年的的中国古代历史中,我们以不屈不挠的开拓精神和创造精神,缔造了如今的社会文明,物质文明和精神文明。 China is one of the main origins of global human progress. From primitive society to slave society, from slave society to feudal society, from feudal society to civilized society, we have experienced a long and difficult historical process. In thousands of years of ancient Chinese history, we have created today's social civilization, material civilization and spiritual civilization with indomitable pioneering spirit and creative spirit. 国家历史文化名城,中国五千年的历史孕育出了一些因深厚的文化底蕴和发生过重大历史事件而青史留名的城市。这些城市,有的曾是王朝都城;有的曾是当时的政治、经济重镇;有的曾是重大历史事件的发生地;有的因为拥有珍贵的文物遗迹而享有盛名;有的则因为出产精美的工艺品而著称于世。它们的留存,为今天的人们回顾中国历史打开了一个窗口。 National historical and cultural city, China's five thousand years of history gave birth to a number of cities with profound cultural heritage and major historical events. Some of these cities were once capital cities of dynasties, some were important political and economic towns at that time, some were places of great historical events, some were famous for their precious cultural relics, and some were famous for their exquisite handicrafts. Their preservation opens a window for today's people to review Chinese history. |
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