雍和宫一对造型独特的大清乾隆年造铜狮子 |
添加时间:2019/12/3 14:57:32 浏览次数: |
雍和宫原本是雍亲王府,雍正皇帝死后才改为藏传佛教寺庙,现在的雍和门便是由原来的王府府门改建而成的。 The Yonghe palace was originally the royal residence of Yongqin, but it was changed into a Tibetan Buddhist temple after the death of Emperor Yongzheng. Now the Yonghe gate is reconstructed from the original Royal residence gate. 在雍和门前一左一右摆放着两只铜狮,这两只铜狮体量巨大,造型威武。仔细看的话铜狮和铸铜底座并不是一体而是分开铸造的,在底座下还有汉白玉须弥座,因此整体显得非常高大威猛。 In front of Yonghe gate, there are two copper lions, one on the left and one on the right. These two copper lions are huge and powerful. If you look carefully, the bronze lion and the cast copper base are not one but separately cast. Under the base, there is a white marble xumizuo, so the whole is very tall and powerful. 东侧的是雄狮,脚下踩着一只绣球,有一种说法认为这是统一寰宇一统江山的意思。 To the East is the lion, with a hydrangea at his feet. There is a saying that it means to unify the whole world. 西侧的一只是雌狮,脚下踩的是一只小狮子,寓意子嗣昌盛。 On the west side is a female lion, and on the foot is a little lion, which means the prosperity of offspring. 小狮子四脚朝天,造型非常有趣。 The little lion has a very interesting shape. 铜狮的底座上刻有大清乾隆年造的年款,所以可以证明这对狮子应该是雍亲王府改为寺庙之后才有的,因为乾隆就降生在这里,所以他对雍和宫有着特殊的感情。犄角君拍过的铜狮子有很多对,但刻有年款的并不多。 The base of the bronze lion is engraved with the model year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, so it can be proved that this pair of lions were born after the Yongqin palace was changed into a temple. Because Qianlong was born here, he had special feelings for the Yonghe palace. There are many pairs of bronze lions that you have photographed, but not many with the model year engraved on them. 这对狮子还有一个与众不同的地方,无论是故宫还是颐和园的铜狮子脖子下一般都是兽衔銮铃,也就是挂着一个大铃铛,但是这两只铜狮脖子下却是挂了一排东西,其中包括三个大缨穗和两个銮铃,这种造型在犄角君的印象里似乎只有香山静宜园前的铜狮是这样的。 There is another difference between the two lions. No matter in the imperial palace or the summer palace, the bronze lions usually have a ring on their necks, that is, a big bell. However, there is a row of things hanging under their necks, including three Tassels and two rings. This kind of shape seems to be the only one in Xiangshan Jingyi garden 。 |
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