铜马又是能力、圣贤、人才、有作为的象征 |
添加时间:2019/8/5 14:49:09 浏览次数: |
马在中华民旅的文化中地位极高,具有一系列的象征和寓意。铜马又是能力、圣贤、人才、有作为的象征。古人常常以“千里马”采比拟。千里马是日行干里帆优秀骏马。相传周槔王有儿匹马,常常骑着他巡游天下。然而马蹄刚劲有力,奔腾势不可挡,寓意事业、学业、官运即将成功.可促成早日获得驿马星动,加官进爵,早获成功。 Horse occupies a very high position in the culture of Chinese people's travel and has a series of symbols and implications. The bronze horse is also a symbol of ability, sages, talents and achievements. Ancient people often used the analogy of "Qianli Ma". The Qianli Horse is an excellent steed in the dry sail of the Rihang. Legend has it that King Zhou Hu had a horse and often rode him around the world. However, the horse's feet are strong and irresistible, implying that career, education and official sports will soon be successful. It can help to get the post horse star movement as soon as possible, add officials to the rank, and achieve early success. 一个人的成功路上少不了陪伴,一马当先为您破万难。马的精神和神韵,是人类发展过程中的一种宝贵的精神财富,它对人类的情感,心理甚至对人类社会的发展都有极为重要的推动作用。它的奔放驰骋给了人类战胜敌人,战胜自我的力量;它的优美柔顺给了人类生活的安全和温暖。马,是草原疾风中恣情奔腾的精灵儿;马,是保卫家园所以、惩恶扬善、匡扶正义的英雄征战疆场、驰骋翱翔的翅膀,犹如天马行空。 A person's road to success can not be without companionship, a horse should be the first to break all the difficulties for you. The spirit and charm of horse is a precious spiritual wealth in the process of human development. It plays an extremely important role in promoting human emotions, psychology and even the development of human society. Its unrestrained galloping gives mankind the power to defeat the enemy and self; its graceful and submissive gives the security and warmth of human life. Horses are the spirits running freely in the grassland gale. Horses are the heroes who defend their homeland, punish evil and promote good, and uphold justice. They are flying wings like horses flying in the sky. |
上一页 貔貅也有雌雄之分,民间传说雄的貔貅代表财运 |
下一页 雕塑手法逐渐摆脱程式化,形象写实、生动 |
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