貔貅也有雌雄之分,民间传说雄的貔貅代表财运 |
添加时间:2019/8/16 14:55:36 浏览次数: |
貔貅也有雌雄之分,民间传说雄的貔貅代表财运,而雌的貔貅则代表财库,有财要有库才能守得住,因此使用铜貔貅大多都一次收藏一对,才能够真正的招财进宝。但如果要戴在身上,还是一只就好,以免打架。 There are also male and female ferrets. According to folklore, male ferrets represent wealth, while female ferrets represent treasury. Wealth can only be kept by treasury. Therefore, using bronze ferrets mostly collect one pair at a time to really recruit treasure. But if you want to wear it on your body, it's better to wear only one, so as not to fight. 貔貅比较懒,喜欢睡觉,所以每天最好把他拿起来摸一摸,玩一玩,或者在它的脖子上挂个铃铛,每天摇一摇,把他叫醒,财运自然就会跟着来。如果是挂在脖子上的貔貅,一定不要让人看见;如果是家里的摆设,一定要让它的嘴冲着窗口或门口,这样才能帮你招财镇宅。 The ferret is lazy and likes to sleep, so it's better to pick it up and touch it every day, play with it, or hang a bell around its neck, shake it every day, wake him up, and fortune will follow. If it's a ferret hanging around your neck, you must not be seen; if it's a household decoration, you must let its mouth to the window or door, so as to help you recruit money. |
上一页 一般的鉴定金铜造像要点 |
下一页 铜马又是能力、圣贤、人才、有作为的象征 |
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