一般的鉴定金铜造像要点 |
添加时间:2019/8/27 16:32:38 浏览次数: |
金铜造像是一种三维立体的雕塑艺术,其主题是一致的,即都为“人”像,不同的只是其面部表情、手印、服饰、坐姿及周围的陪伴物、台座、持物等等而已。 Gold and bronze statues are a three-dimensional sculpture art. Their themes are the same, that is, they are all "human" statues. The difference is only their facial expressions, fingerprints, clothing, sitting posture and the companions, pedestals, holders and so on. 因此,我们可以把一般的鉴定要点归纳为以下六点:一看面相和体形,二看手印与坐姿,三看标识与坐骑,四看细部与装饰,五看材料与质地,六看铭文与题记。如果能注意到以上几点的话,基本上就可以做到正确的鉴定了。 Therefore, we can summarize the general identification points into the following six points: first, look at face and shape, second hand print and sitting posture, third sign and riding, fourth detail and decoration, fifth material and texture, sixth inscription and inscription. If you can pay attention to the above points, you can basically do the correct identification. |
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